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About Us

Dongguan Topview Plastic Products Co., Ltd. was established in 2007 and is a wholly-owned company under wellmei Holdings Group. It is located on Xingyi Road, Daxingwei Industrial Zone, Wusha, Chang'an Town, Dongguan City. And has established 2 division of factories of TOPXIN at Shatian Town, Dongguan and LEMEI at New Delhi, India.

The company currently has 8 fully automatic spraying lines and 227 30T-470T injection molding machines. The service product range covers mobile phones, drones, razors, e-cigarettes, smart homes, etc. The main focus is on processing high-quality plastic accessories and product rubber shells. We can provide customers with a series of production processes from mold manufacturing to finished product assembly.

The company adheres to the values of "integrity, respect, collaboration, learning, innovation, and customer orientation" and has won numerous annual "Best Quality Award", "Best Innovation Award" and other strength awards from major customers. We are committed to becoming an enterprise that can provide valuable and sustainable development for customers.

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